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Hitler Youth (HJ) buckle by JFS
149,00 EUR
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German Reich 1st World War fruit bowl 1914-16
299,00 EUR
German Empire 1st World War Patriotic plate ‘In Treue fest. 1914-16 World War’
79,00 EUR
Waffen-SS single Unterführer Collar Tab
999,00 EUR
Hanger for sword & sabre
99,00 EUR
Munich Bürgerbräu Stein with pewter lid
449,00 EUR
Munich Bürgerbräu Stein with pewter lid - F. Glas Munich
399,00 EUR
Estate of a lance corporal (Robert Janker)
1.299,00 EUR
SS/SD Security Service sleeve band for members of the staff in an SD-Oberabschnitt or SD-Unterabschnitt
1.499,00 EUR
NSKK epaulette in black (for Motorbrigade/Motorgruppe Berlin/Brandenburg)
Wehrmacht Heer / Luftwaffe cap cord for the officer's peaked cap
39,00 EUR
Leather hanger for a sabre / sword
SS Troddel for the SS Officer's Degen
699,00 EUR
Schutzstaffel (SS) Troddel for the command sabre of the disposal troop
Book: Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
Leather hanger for a sabre
Sword & Sabre Suspension Chain Hanger - Depose F.F. France
139,00 EUR
Sword & Sabre Suspension Chain Hanger
89,00 EUR
Sword & Sabre Suspension Chain Hanger - DRGM 961953
Black pear shaped hanger
Provisional certificate of possession Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross Hugo Primozic
3.599,00 EUR
Certificate of possession of wounded badge in black
Award certificate - Iron Cross 2nd Class 1939
179,00 EUR
Award certificate - Eastern Medal (Winter Battle in the East 1941/42)
69,00 EUR
Award certificate - War Merit Cross 2nd Class 1939
129,00 EUR
Boy doll in SA uniform
Vertical Hanger for SS Dagger by Assmann (SS 48/38 RZM M5/8)
799,00 EUR
Pommel for Kriegsmarine officer's dagger [M1938]
Crossguard for Kriegsmarine officer's dagger [M1938]
Grip for the Navy Officer Dagger [2nd Model]
199,00 EUR
Scabbard for Navy Officer Dagger
Blade for the Navy Officer Dagger [2nd Model] by E. & F. Hörster Solingen
WW1 - Lot (badges + documents)
Kingdom of Prussia Belt and Buckle for enlisted men
229,00 EUR
5 Reichsmark German Reich (Garrison Church) 1935
49,00 EUR
Adolf Hitler Coin
Paybook for Wehrmacht Pioneers - Kurt Loock
Wehrmacht flashlight ZEILER No 4848
WWI identification tag of a member of the Field Artillery Regiment 13
Leather Hanger for Service Dagger
Black Scabbard for the SS or NSKK Dagger
Karl M. - city of Munich glass plate
Grip for SS Dagger with eagle
Grip for NPEA / NAPOLA Dagger
499,00 EUR
Grip for SA/NSKK Dagger with eagle
349,00 EUR
Black Leather Hanger for Dagger by RZM M5/71
Pair of SS Marked Officer Boots - SS 43/37 RZM
Adolf Hitler poster: "Ein Reich, ein Volk, ein Führer!"
Munich Bürgerbräu glass mug with pewter lid by N. Bauernfreund Munich
Grip for service dagger of the SS
Hitler Youth (HJ) buckle by Assmann
Grip for service dagger made of deer horn
3-Piece Leather Hanger for Dagger
Quillons & grip screw for service dagger "S"
Quillons & grip screw for service dagger for SA and SS
Quillons & grip screw for service dagger
"Hier Spricht die NSDAP" Enamel Sign
549,00 EUR
Blade for the officer's dagger (Army, Luftwaffe Dagger)
Grip for the Luftwaffe Dagger
249,00 EUR
Scabbard for the Luftwaffe Dagger
Leather hanger for bayonet
Hangers for Luftwaffe Dagger
Brown Leather Hanger for SA & NSKK Dagger by RZM L2/371/40, RZM M5/25
Brown Scabbard for the SA Dagger
* Prices include VAT., excl. shipping