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HJ Membership Badge
99,00 EUR
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War Merit Cross First Class with Swords in Case by 62 (Kerbach & Oesterhelt Dresden A1)
599,00 EUR
HJ Membership Badge by RZM M1/85 (Alois Rettenmeyer Schwäbisch Gmünd)
119,00 EUR
HJ Membership Badge by RZM M1/72 (Fritz Zimmermann Stuttgart)
Estate of a lance corporal (Robert Janker)
1.299,00 EUR
German Air Gunner's & Flight Engineer's Badge by C.E. Juncker Berlin SW
1.599,00 EUR
German mother cross in gold + collection
159,00 EUR
S-Boat War Badge 2nd Pattern by Schwerin (FEC. W.E. Peekhaus Berlin)
799,00 EUR
Provisional certificate of possession Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross Hugo Primozic
3.599,00 EUR
Certificate of possession of wounded badge in black
79,00 EUR
Award certificate - Iron Cross 2nd Class 1939
179,00 EUR
Award certificate - Eastern Medal (Winter Battle in the East 1941/42)
69,00 EUR
Award certificate - War Merit Cross 2nd Class 1939
129,00 EUR
WW1 - Lot (badges + documents)
149,00 EUR
German Silver Grade Infantry Assault Badge
Commemorative Medal (Sudetenland Medal) 1. October 1938
59,00 EUR
Wehrmacht Long Service Award 3rd Class For 12 Years Service
2nd Class with War Merit Cross with Swords
49,00 EUR
Wehrmacht Long Service Medal 4Th Class For Four Years Service
Customs And Border Service Decorations
HJ Membership Badge by RZM M1/102 (Frank & Reif Stuttgart)
German mother cross in bronze - 2nd Model
German 1914 Iron Cross First Class "800" (Silver) by KMST
999,00 EUR
2nd Class with War Merit Cross with Swords & German Medal - Winter Battles in the East 1941/42 by 3
German mother cross in silver, Germany - 2nd Model, 2 Stage
German Cross of Honor with swords 1914-1918 by BHL
Imperial 2nd Class Iron Cross
German Medal - Winter Battles in the East 1941/42
Small Badge German Youth Festival of the HJ 1935
20,00 EUR
NSDAP Membership Badge by RZM M1/127
1934 German Day of Labour Badge
Wehrmacht 4-Year Long Service Medal
SA Pin
National Socialist Sympathy Badge - Swastika
German N.S. Frauenschaft Badge by RZM 75
29,00 EUR
German West Wall Medal
German Cross of Honor with swords 1914-1918 by A.&S.
39,00 EUR
Faithful Service Medal 25 in a case by Friedrich Keller Oberstein
Commemorative Medal of 13th March 1938 (Anschluss Medal)
Krim Campaign Shield 1941-1942
299,00 EUR
BDM area triangle - North Lower Saxony
HJ Proficiency Badge (Silver Grade)
139,00 EUR
Badge - My first act - WHW (Winter Relief Organization) 1936/37 - Gau Hamburg
German 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class
First War German Medal Bar with three badges
German 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class by 4 (Steinhauer & Lück Lüdenscheid)
German Faithful Service Medal 25
DRL Sport Badge; Bronze Grade by Wernstein Jena
Faithful Service Medal 25 in a case by Wächter & Lange Mittweida
Bronze Grade Infantry Assault Badge by W (Karl Wurster Markneukirchen)
German 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class by 13 (Gustav Brehmer Markneukirchen)
German Air Gunner's & Flight Engineer's Badge by Imme & Sohn Berlin
Luftwaffe Combined Pilot & Observer's Badge M1935 by C.E. Juncker Berlin SW
1.999,00 EUR
German War Merit Medal
German Medal - Winter Battles in the East 1941/42 by 13 (Gustav Brehmer Markneukirchen)
German War Merit Cross with Swords - 2nd Class
89,00 EUR
German Wound Badge 1918
German Cross of Honor with swords 1914-1918 by G12
Imperial 2nd Class Iron Cross by SW - Sy & Wagner Berlin
Certificate trio with Iron Cross 1939 2nd class from family estate
499,00 EUR
1925-30 Prussian Fire Brigade Long Service Award
DRL Sport Badge; Silver Grade by Wernstein Jena
NSKOV (National Socialist War Victim’s Care) Membership Badge by Deschler München
German Cross of Honor with swords 1914-1918 by OLC
German Wound Badge Silver 1939 by L/13 (Paul Meybauer Berlin)
199,00 EUR
German War Merit Cross with Swords - 2nd Class by L/15 (Otto Schickle Pforzheim)
German War Merit Cross with Swords - 2nd Class by Friedrich Orth Wien 56
German War Merit Cross with Swords - 2nd Class by L.Chr. Lauer Nürnberg Berlin
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