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German Air Gunner's & Flight Engineer's Badge by C.E. Juncker Berlin SW
1.599,00 EUR
Wehrmacht 4-Year Long Service Medal
German Air Gunner's & Flight Engineer's Badge by Imme & Sohn Berlin
Luftwaffe Combined Pilot & Observer's Badge M1935 by C.E. Juncker Berlin SW
1.999,00 EUR
Certificate trio with Iron Cross 1939 2nd class from family estate
499,00 EUR
Luftwaffe Observer's Badge by P. Meybauer Berlin
National Socialist Flying Corps Gliding Competition Award M1939
Lot of badges and documents of the German Luftwaffe
Luftwaffe Observer's Badge by Schwerin Berlin 68
4 Place Ribbon Bar
Luftwaffe Air Gunner Badge (without Lightning) by W. Deumer Lüdenscheid
German Luftwaffe Paratrooper Badge
Luftwaffe Combined Pilot & Observer's Badge M1935 - BSW (Brüder Schneider Wien)
German Air Force Glider Pilot Badge
Grouping of Medals and Badges, German
* Prices include VAT., excl. shipping