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Coppel Alexander ALCOSO Solingen
Arbeit adelt (Work ennobles)
400 mm
507 g (with hanger)
Two parts. Brown leather with grained closure and hook. Assmann. Carl Gosse Mainz 1938.
RAD Leader Dagger with hanger and Konstantin Hierl certificate - Alcoso Solingen
This Alcoso produced RAD piece remains in outstanding condition throughout. All of the silvering remains throughout the bird's head, ferrule, obverse crossguard, and almost all of the reverse crossguard, having only a little slight wear on the lower lip of the guard edge. The pommel details are outstanding, having the original factory blackening deep in the bird's eyes, nasal area, beak area, and into the four decorative slots, which are equally positioned down the back strap of the bird's head. The ferrule has the angled accent lines, which also have a good part of the factory darkening in the backgrounds. The crossguard has outward running quillon arms which end in curls. The reverse is plain and the obverse depicts the RAD symbol in the center. It is a spade which has a lined surface with a raised out plain mobile swastika contrasting nicely with the backgrounds lines. The spade is resting between two wheat shafts. The grip plates are also outstanding, both being in totally perfect condition and being an attractive off white color.
RAD Leader Dagger with hanger is directly from the carrier family. The carrier of RAD Leader Dagger was a senior field champion Walter Berger. The dagger comes with certificate and original signature of the Reich Labor Leader Konstantin Hierl. The blade has a narrow fuller on each side, and on the obverse is etched with the motto of the labor corp, Arbeit adelt. The factory darkening on the letter backgrounds is about 98%. This blade easily grades in near full mint condition. The reverse ricasso is Alcoso Solingen (Alexander Coppel, Solingen).
Text document: Im Namen des Führers Ich habe den Feldmeister Walter Berger mit dem 30. Januar 1940 zum Oberfeldmeister befördert. Ich vollziehe diese Urkunde in der Erwartung, dass der Beförderte getreu seinem Diensteide seinde Berufspflichten gewissenhaft erfüllt und das Vertrauen rechtfertigt, das ihm durch diese Beförderung bewiesen wird. Zugleich darf er des besonderen Schutzes des Führers sicher sein. Berlin, den 15. Juli 1940. Der Reichsarbeitsführer Hierl.
Original signature by Konstantin Hierl.
1 Review(s)
RAD - Führerhauer mit Gehänge und Urkunde
Bin voll zufrieden !! Superschnelle Lieferung,Teil wie beschrieben !
Werde Sie weiterempfehlen und vielen DANK für die Beilagen.
mfg. J. G.
Wrote by Jörns G. on 18.07.2016