The Service Daggers and Edged Weapons of NPEA and the Hitler Youth (RUSSIAN) - Limited Edition
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NEW - Hardcover
Ralf Siegert
552 p.
October 2017
50 pieces - Limited Edition
The Service Daggers and Edged Weapons of NPEA and the Hitler Youth (RUSSIAN) - Limited Edition
The Service Daggers and Edged Weapons of NPEA and the Hitler Youth from Ralf Siegert, new edition in Russian language.
In March 2009, the first book of the author appeared in German on the Edged Weapons of the SA and the NSKK. Some time later, a second band on the SS daggers now followed this third volume covers the daggers and Edged Weapons of NEPA and the HJ. Thoroughly researched in detail the author in this book before the Edged Weapons of these two variants of the former organizations.
With hundreds of photos, supporting photos, documents and background information on the schools of the NPEA he presents the history and ways of carrying swords. Moreover, the author also forgeries of this swords. Also a detailed discussion of the Dutch Jeugdstormdolken is integrated in this book. Re standard work for the collector of German Edged Weapons. A4 (landscape), hardback, 552 pages, hundreds of photos in color and b / w. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE.
Russian Edition - October 2017 - LIMITED EDITION!
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Отличная книга!!! Лучший подарок!!!
Wrote by Andreas D. on 27.10.2017