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Koenigliche Porzellanmanufaktur (KPM)
Ich rufe die Jugend der Welt, 11. Olympische-Spiele Berlin
150 mm
270 g
Olympic Games Bell 1936 with wooden base - KPM Porcelain
This item is a correct replica of the Olympic Bell at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin where the 11th Olympic Summer Games took place in 1936. Along the bottom it says: Ich rufe die Jugend der Welt (I am calling the youth of the world) and 11. Olympische Spiele Berlin (11th Olympic Games Berlin). Along the center part of the bell are the dates 1 -16 August, on the opposite site the year 1936, also the Brandenburg Gate and an eagle hol-ding the Olympic Rings. The total height is about 5 inches, the lower diameter is 4 inches. The porcelain bell-clapper is also intact. There are no chips or cracks, this scarce item is in mint condition! These souvenir bells usually came with a black painted wooden stand. The bell was made by the Koenigliche Porzellanmanufaktur (KPM or Royal Porcelain Maker) in Berlin, the top maker of high quality porcelain.
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