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single-edged with saw
416 mm
863 g (with Leather Frog)
Leather Frog (B)
Near Mint
Red Cross EM Hewer [M1938] with Leather Frog
This DRK [Deutsches Rotes Kreuz] Red Cross Enlisted Man's Hewer is in Near Mint condition throughout. Model 1938. The total length is 41.6 cm. Scabbard with 4 screws.
Grip: The hilt fittings of this example have good nickeling throughout. Even the edges of the pommel and crossguard still have full plating. The crossguard oval depicts a half open-winged eagle, looking to the viewer’s left, having a mobile raised swastika on has breast, and clutching a cross in his talons. Excellent detail here. The reverse grip is smooth type, and the obverse grip has the checkered finish. Both are a bakelite and both are in perfect condition.
Blade: The blade of this example is still in mint condition. It is equipped with the blunted tip and the sawback spine. This blade is marked on the reverse “Ges.Geschützt”. The original black leather blade washer is in place.
Scabbard: The scabbard shell is straight throughout. This shell has excellent original black paint. The paint shows some minor age, but overall it is about 95%. The lower nickel fitting is the pressed on type. The upper throat fitting is retained by two unturned domehead screws. There is a fine black leather frog attached. This frog has the usual 4-rivet construction, and on the reverse it is stamped “H”.
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