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Coppel Alexander ALCOSO Solingen
399 mm
392 g (mit Portepee)
Near Mint
Government Official's Dagger [M1939] with Government Knot by Alcoso Solingen
This Government Official's Dagger is in Near Mint condition with rare Government Knot. In fact, Government Official's daggers have become extremely rare. Model 1939. The reverse ricasso is etched with the trademark of this firm. The logo contain the firm’s name and location, ACS Alcoso Solingen.
Grip: The grip plates are a simulated mother-of-pearl celluloid, which has turned a fine, golden color. The obverse plate is just slightly lighter than the tones of the reverse plate. These grips have the usual, attractive swirl pattern in their surfaces. The crossguard is a nice example, featuring the eagle head, which looks to the viewer's left, the same as the pommel. This bird has fine detail to his eye and beak, as well as the chest, talons, wreath, and raised swastika. The crossguard, by Alcoso standards, is an excellent depiction. It retains all of its silvering throughout the hilt and scabbard, except for the cover plate. Other than the cover plate though, the silvering is really outstanding. The spanner nut has great formation to the original take down holes, and studying it would indicate that it may have been out once, but that is it. There is no scarring here, and it is a pleasure to see a spanner in this state. The eagle head pommel is in choice condition, with fine brows over the eyes, and excellent cantilever section on the reverse of the head. There are no hits to any of these areas. The beak is squared off nicely, showing only modest wear. The feathering below the bird's head is crisp. The accent lines which run along the border of the lower pommel and backstrap are nicely done. The ferrule below has the traditional hand-cut, dual accent lines.
Blade: The blade of this example is fine throughout, and the tip is still needle-like. This fine blade is marked on the reverse ricasso, with the trademark used from 1937-1939. This trademark consists of the scales, having the firm's initials interspersed "ACS". Above the scales is the firm's name in an arch shape, being in block letters, "ALCOSO". Below is the location city of "SOLINGEN". The original, blue leather blade washer is in place. An extremely fine example of the Alcoso government official.
Scabbard: The scabbard of this example is straight throughout, and could not be any nicer. The edges are perfect throughout their entire lengths-it is rare to see scabbards in this condition. The pebble pattern is completely crisp, and the overlapping oak leaf bands and acorns provide fine detail. The eyelets have the triple serrated surfaces, still being crisp throughout, showing no wear. These eyelets are equipped with the standard sleeve that we see used by the producers of this dagger. The throat is retained by two flatter head side screws which are unturned.
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